Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Read my latest @

Why F*ck Is The Best Word In The English Language
At Storytellers of New Jersey

Why F*ck Is The Best Word In The English Language


To be honest, the word fuck is my favorite F-word. Sorry mom, but it is true. Whether or not you use the word, or ever plan to use the word, the word fuck is the most versatile word. I once heard that swearing is a normal part of human speech development, and some of us heard the f-word a lot growing up.
According to Wikipedia, the word fuck is an obscene English language word...its origin is obscure, but the word can be used as a noun, a verb, an adjective, an interjection, or an adverb. There are many common phrases that will emphasize the word, as well as compounds that incorporate it. So, depending on how I use it, the tone of voice and what other words I use around it will determine the reaction I get. Now, you are probably saying, what the fuck are you talking about, get to the fucking point...okay, quiet the fuck down, here you go you fuckers.

The power of a word. To some people, the word fuck is one of the most horrifying words you could ever use. Others may not see it that way and feel that other words are more non-appealing and disrespectful. Let's face it, fuck is a powerful word.

Here are some of my favorites below. It was fucking hard to pick a few. ;)

Fuck This Shit - Reaction to this is that you just have to say fuck this shit every now and then, it makes you feel better. People I say it to will always agree.

What The Fuck - WTF - Reaction to that is usually a WTF back, which I am usually like fuck this.

Shut The Fuck Up - Reaction to this, well, if you live in Manhattan, someone has probably already told that same person to STFU that you were going to say it to. Hence, fucking problem solved.

Fucking Fuck - There is something about saying fucking fuck that just cracks me up. Reaction is they laugh because I am usually laughing as I am saying it, you fucking fuck.

Fuck Yeah - When I am totally down for something, the word fuck will just make it official. The reaction is like I put a fucking flame under someone's gets them moving.

AbsoFuckinglutely - I like to put an emphasis on certain words, just adds a little more character. Absolutely is a great word, but put fucking in the middle of that word or any word you like, you just spiced it the fuck up. Reaction to this is that I usually get a fucking enthusiastic fuck yeah back.

Most people swear, and if you don't swear, chances are you will hear someone swearing. Here is a little fun fucking fact, swearing knows No social boundaries in its expression, so for those who are disgusted by certain words, get the fuck over a little, get fucked, get fucked up, you will thank us later. Have a fantastic fucking day and remember, you are all fucking amazing!





Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Read my latest article @ The Muddled Millennial -Childhood Memories

Childhood Memories


Good or bad, we all have childhood memories.  There are some of us who would like to go back in time and freeze some of those moments and the people we love so they can stay with us forever.  Since the passing of my father, I have had a lot of childhood memories come flooding back. 
We moved to Brooklyn when I was around 2 years old.  We lived on Euclid Avenue, and I loved that house.  I thought it was the best house in the world.  It was in that house, and in that neighborhood that some of the best childhood memories that I have were created and will always live with me.
My house on Euclid Avenue:

Anyone who grew up in Brooklyn can remember having the greatest block parties.  The street was closed off to all cars, the long picnic tables were lined up with the plastic table cloths, and there was a ton of food on each table.  With a collection of all heritages from the neighborhood, you had a taste of the best food ever. The fire hydrants were opened and you ran around playing with your friends free as a bird, and without a care in the world…ah, to be free and careless again.  That day you were family rather than a neighborhood.  My childhood friend Mary lived a few houses down from me. She came from a wonderful Polish family, and it was in her home that I tried my first pierogi.  It was my first bite of something that was not Italian, and I loved it.  Her mom handmade these fruit-filled pierogies, and it was a big treat.  
I can remember the different smells of food that came from the homes of my friends and family.  Both of my grandmothers also lived down the block from us and always had a bowl of spaghetti with homemade sauce and meatballs waiting for me on the table when I came over.  I can still taste it when I close my eyes and think of it.  If my uncles were home, you were treated to a big hearty Italian sandwich that was layered with cheese, salami, ham and anything else that they could fill it with, and it was bigger than your head…I would eat the whole thing.  My father’s best friend lived a few blocks away with his wife and three boys who I called my cousins. I remember there was always something fun going on in their house.  I loved to hang around my favorite cousin, Guy. Anything he did I had to do, and he always liked an adventure. He ran fast, he rode his bike fast; the faster the better and I was right behind him keeping up.  He was always up for getting out of the house and doing something in the neighborhood.
I remember playing with those high-bounce Pinky balls that you would get in the dime stores, roller skating on the slate sidewalks, jumping rope, playing hopscotch, running after the ice cream truck, eating Italian ices or those long ice pops, (otter pops) that came in all different fun colors, being in the backyard pool with family and friends on the hot summer days and nights that never seemed to end. I never wanted to get out of the pool, my dad was convinced I was a water bug.  Something about time went a lot slower then. 
I remember how young and beautiful my mother was…she still is beautiful.  My brother who was born in that house had these chubby cheeks with his beautiful blue eyes that all the girls loved.  I remember always feeling safe in that house.  I remember how handsome and strong my dad was…he was still strong and brave until his very last day.  
Your childhood memories are some of the most important memories that you hold close to your heart.  They are moments that tell your story.  You play, grow, laugh, learn and imagine.  I have heard some of my friends saying they wish they could go back and be a kid again when they are reminiscing about things that bring a smile to their face.  I am hoping for most of you, your memories were good memories that put a smile on your beautiful faces when you think of them.