Monday, April 25, 2016

The Dangers of Binge Drinking

The Dangers of Binge Drinking Read my latest article at StoryChick -

The Dangers of Binge Drinking

The Dangers of Binge Drinking  150x150.png

Binge drinking is the consumption of a lot of alcohol on a single occasion/drinking session.  I have read some definitions that it is also considered continuous drinking over a number of days or weeks.  However you define it, that level of drinking is considered binge drinking and is a risk for the long and short-term effects below.  For some people, they like to indulge on nights out at a party or a get-together.  For others, drinking is an easy way to forget their problems and gives them freedom to be who they want to be.  They want to let their hair down, enjoy a night out, and let go of their inhibitions and over indulge because it feels good. Their mood and self-confidence are lifted.  People feel the pressure to be perfect, or some feel peer pressure and do not know their limits with alcohol, which can result in drinking too much over a short period.  It can occur in many places such as a celebration of an occasion and the need to become “socially” acceptable in the eyes of others.  For some, it is/was a phase, fun with friends and then the party is over.  Binge drinking is not pretty and literally accelerates the aging process… yikes.

Let’s face it, alcohol is a staple of life, and most people I know like and enjoy drinking.  Whether you have had shots, mixed drinks, beer or wine, and have drunk large amounts of those, then you have experienced some of the short-term effects which are:  impaired speech, unstable balance, impaired senses, hangovers, headaches, dizziness that can cause nausea and vomiting along with inhibited judgment that can lead to risk of injury to yourself or others.  

Some of the long-term effects of binge drinking on a regular basis can lead to major damage to the liver and cause depression and anxiety.  Long-term effects can also result in problems at work or school and with personal relationships.  It causes brain damage faster than chronic drinking (alcoholism) would and can increase risk for heart disease.  When someone you know binge drinks on a regular basis, whether it is with a group or alone, this can be a sign that they are alcohol dependent.

Short or long-term, the next day, or over the next few days, you can feel bad and embarrassed by your actions.   A pattern of drinking that causes these issues is abuse and can turn into alcohol dependence or alcoholism.  

The good news is that millennials are drinking in moderation, and some would rather work out than go drinking… they are more concerned about their health.  A generation of foodies who are discovering great new venues and enjoying nights out with good friends cherishing the experience of dining.  In other words, they are enjoying good food and less booze.  More of them are conscious of calories and of their wallet and are on tight budgets, so they are not keen on paying for overpriced drinks. Also, more women are choosing not to binge drink and respect their friends’ choices not to drink without pressuring or teasing them into drinking.  They feel more accountable for their actions and have changed their preferences for a fun night out.  

A lot of us like to celebrate whether it is for a special occasion or just to be out with friends, know your limits, stick to moderation, and drink responsibly… cheers to that!

Thursday, April 21, 2016

How To Stay Fresh Throughout The Day

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You have tons to do, and you are already exhausted and feeling stressed. You are pushing through your day trying to get everything done, and you feel depleted.  Here are some ways that can help you feel mind/body fresh and help with energy levels throughout your hectic day.

First, close your eyes and take a quick break.  It is an easy way to get calm and focused. If you work in an office and are lucky to work for a company that has nap rooms and snooze-friendly policies, take advantage of that and get in a quick power nap.  If you can’t do that, take a break to stretch and allow that blood to flow.  You can stay seated at your desk/chair, extend your legs and reach towards your toes.  

If it is a sunny day, try to get outside and get some of nature’s sunshine vitamin. The sun always lifts your spirits and boosts the body’s vitamin D supply.  When you are outside, try not to have any of your tech devices with you; do yourself a favor and take a tech-free break.  If you can’t get outside, look out of the nearest window.  Some of the time staring at nature is more relaxing than your screen.  
Pump up the volume. Listen to your favorite song or soothing sounds that will uplift your mood.  Eat protein to increase your energy and alertness. Some good ones that are easy and on-the-go favorites are mixed nuts, fresh fruit or a protein bar.  Eating some dark chocolate (in moderation) is good for mind/health and they are packed with antioxidants and natural stimulants that increase focus and can enhance your mood.  I am always chewing gum, and was happy to hear that chewing gum is a quick way to reduce stress.  Just a few minutes of chewing can reduce anxiety levels.  

If you live at your office like I do, I have a drawer filled with some pampering items such as fresh wipes and my favorite scents, so I can take a break and freshen myself up.  I also always have a variety of moisturizers at my desk. It is a quick way to freshen up and smell fresh any time. Hydrating face sprays are a great pick-me-up.  They help refresh and revive your tired face and provide a hydration layer on your skin.  Refreshing your mouth by brushing or using mouthwash will not only make your mouth feel more refreshed but freshen your breath.  If you spend a lot of time at the keyboard, a quick DIY hand massage releases tension from your hands, and the soothing scents help take away the stress.  

Outside the office, my all-time favorites are to cuddle with a pet or your favorite person that puts a smile on your face.  They say that laughter is the best medicine and I agree, and it also boosts your immune system.  Some of the time, you just need to step back and give your mind and body a much needed break.  

Now go on and get your mind/body fresh on!