Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Read my latest article @https://www.muddledmillennial.com/home/2018/2/16/a-bittersweet-love-story

The definition of bittersweet is a combination of both bitter and sweet, or an emotional feeling that is a mixture of both happy and sad.

The funny thing about life is that if you always follow the rules in your head, you will never live, you will just exist.  If you live your life by what you think you are supposed to be doing, who you are supposed to be with or listen to what others say you are supposed to do, without a doubt, you will deny yourself some great experiences that can bring happiness and joy in your life.  Love is one of them.

I am glad that I did not follow those rules because I would have missed out on a lot of great moments and pieces of happiness.  I love hard, have always loved hard, and will always love hard…it is who I am and I will not change. Love is not easy some of the time.  I remember someone once saying to me that love is not perfect, and that is the perfect thing about love.

You see, some of you will be lucky enough to meet someone who will love you, make a positive impact on your life, and leave a footprint on your heart. You will get to learn from them and enjoy the time you have together. But my friends, if you believe in Cinderella or the other fairytales we were told growing up, the one part they left out is that we may not get to marry them, enjoy many years alongside them living our till death do us part.  The truth is, some of us don’t get to have that, but, here is something else that was left out of the fairytales…not ending up with them Does Not disqualify the importance of that person. Some people can love you more in a short amount of time than others could have ever loved you until the end of time. Some people come in your life and can teach you more in the time you had with them than others could teach you over the entire course your lifetime, and some people will come into your life only for a specific amount of time, but they will have such an impact on your life and your heart, that is an experience that some people will never have.  Some of the time, it is love that is not unfair, but the timing that is unfair.

At the end, it is bittersweet, but please do not try to rewrite those memories, or alter the ways in which their love enhanced us for the better.  It was your journey to enjoy.  Your paths cross, and remember, they crossed for a reason.  We got to love that person and learn from them. Every relationship has value, no matter how long it lasted.  Please be grateful that you got to meet that person because the truth is that some people will never get to experience a love that can make them a better person.

Friday, February 2, 2018

Read my latest at Muddled Millennial - Millennial Interview: Ivy Supersonic

Did you ever meet someone and just feel great energy and positive vibes? Well, that is exactly what happened when I was introduced to Ivy by my amazing friend Lynn.


Creative and talented, Ivy is truly a magnetic magical force field of positive vibes and great energy.

Since posting her work on Facebook, Ivy has become a phenomenon.  In April of 2017, Ivy opened an art studio in the East Village, where her and filmmaker, Bryan Sarkinen, worked on a documentary called "Ivy Supersonic's Art of Mysticism”, this documentary captures the essence of The Miracle Art. The filming took place at Supersonic's "Art of Mysticism Paintings from The Divine," located in New York, and features Ivy Supersonic along with a host of New York characters such as, Ron Mwangaguhunga, writer for The Huffington Post; and 90s MTV VeeJay Jesse Camp, just to mention a few that were involved.

I was lucky enough to sit down with this amazing woman for an interview. Getting to know someone who possesses such talent can really help to motivate you, no matter what your passion may be. Get to know her a little more here:

When did you start to paint, and what inspired you?
My first painting was created on December 19, 2016. There was this local art store that was three blocks from my apartment.  One day I noticed that they changed the name to Jerry's.  Jerry was my father’s name.  I felt drawn to go in.  I have always wanted to paint, but I had no room in my studio apartment to put big canvases, so I focused on my other creations. I always called my apartment a "magical apartment", since I was always inspired and working on something.  I created a lot of wonderful things there.  My apartment had hats and feathers all over from the famous hat designs that I am known for.  I just finished designing a feathered hat for Luke Spiller, the lead singer of the band The Struts.  I had no room for anything else in my apartment.  Despite that, I ended up going into that art store and walked out with two packs of canvases.  These canvases stood as tall as I did.  When I got home, I was able to lean them against my door where I was able to sit and paint.  I never painted before and I decided to paint in the same spot where I designed my famous hats for inspiration. I was also missing my dad and had a photo of him that I was looking at.  I took that photo of my dad and put it on the top right of the canvas and said dad, "Let's Do This!"

When I was finished, I decided to post pictures of the painting on Facebook.  To my surprise, a lot of people were liking them. My Neighbor Shelia Marsh, who I call "Ma", saw my painting and told me to keep going. She was inspiring me to keep painting. She gave me the motivation I needed to keep going and I ended up painting my second painting.  I posted that one as well on social media, and people were liking that one too. Most people sign their name on the canvas but, I wrote "Fuck Fox" on top of the canvas. The reason for that was I wanted to express my feelings for them stealing the cartoon character that I created in May of 1999.  As mentioned earlier, I created a lot of wonderful things in my apartment, this is a Magical Apartment where I created the Sqrat, Hats, Bad Ass New York, and now Magic Paintings.

I channeled my energy into my art and that is how Magic Paintings were created. I hope you enjoy my art, (you can view my work on the links below).
We have the power to turn everything in our lives into opportunity.

To view Ivy Supersonic's art, visit http://www.IvysParanormal.com
Documentary: www.TheChannelArtist.com
Follow Ivy Supersonic on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Ivy-SuperSonics-Magical-Art-165801023943875/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ivysilberstein

About Ivy
Literally a woman who wears many hats (pun intended), the magical hatter, her multidimensional personality gives her the unique ability and insight to spread her positive message around the world via her “It’s All Good” Campaign, her magical feathered hats, her electrifying runway affairs featuring living works of art, her SQRAT cartoon character, and by whatever other means she can. Her creative energies are explosive and visionary. Ivy recently received the trademark for Sqrat, a cartoon character Fox has used in their Ice Age movies and shorts, and that has been the center of merchandising, marketing, and other products for the last 16 years. Ice Age/Scrat is the biggest international cartoon in the history of the world.

A multi-talented designer of fashion, art, music, entertainment, and marketing, Ivy Supersonic is a catalyst for the creative, motivated and talented. She is also a high-voltage events producer of the fun and outrageous. Her friends and associates extend from grass roots to the very top of the entertainment industry food chain. She is a style guru and publicity powerhouse. She has thrown events for Gene Simmons, Crosby, Stills & Nash, Wyclef Jean and hired by Robin Quivers for Howard Stern’s Birthday. As a couture hat designer to the stars, she has designed hats for Pamela Anderson, Snoop Dogg, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Monica Lewinski, Debbie Harry, Scott Weiland, Carmen Electra, Tommy Lee, George Clinton, Kat Von D, Aretha Franklin and many, many others. Ivy’s most celebrated for the large pink feathered chapeau she designed for Pamela Anderson hosting the MTV Awards with Carson Daly in 1999. Ivy’s feathered hat designs are as glamorous as they are eclectic.

Her global media coverage includes features on Howard Stern, VH1, MTV, Fuse, Miami Ink, Wild On E!, Fashion Television, CNN, The Apprentice and numerous other networks and shows; ( http://ivysmedia.com/ivid/ ) Ivy truly specializes in pushing limits that provide the ultimate in organized chaos. Many bands and their mates such as; Live, Blink 182, Kid Rock and Anthony Kiedis have joined her fashion extravaganzas turn into media-frenzied events and as well wind up in live stage events such as at Jones Beach Theatre with Steve Kingston and KROCK with Stone Temple Pilots and Limp Bizkit and at Irving Plaza with Methods of Mayhem.

Having graduated from the Fashion Institute of Technology with a B.S. Degree in Marketing and Public Relations, Ivy’s career began during her college years, when she launched her denim collection I.B.I.V. The jeans, whose sheer audacity impressed then-Vogue fashion Editor Elizabeth Salzman, have been described as modish and edgy, embodying the energy of the sixties. Within three months of their launch, the jeans were featured on the cover of Women’s Wear Daily. Once she and her designs had achieved instant notoriety, designers scrambled to embrace her new trend and she single-handedly changed the marketplace with her fashion-forward designs. After her designs had made their way into the mainstream, they were featured on MTV, Beverly Hills, 90210, Coca-Cola Commercials and Good Morning America.

Ivy Supersonic has been working with talent, artists and artists management since 1996 on special events, in public relations; booking, promotions, consulting and forming strategic alliances. She is the owner of the New York State Trademark “Bad Ass New York” and launched the cool t-shirt line December 2015. It can be viewed at www.BadAssNY.com Ivy Supersonic’s creative philosophy has and will continue to be new, fresh and infinitely applicable. Quite simply, she pushes creative boundaries. Down for Whatever, Whenever, Ivy is a woman with purpose on a quest for the new, the fresh and the inspired.


Friday, December 8, 2017

My Interview with Sanaya Set - Read my latest article - https://www.muddledmillennial.com/home/2017/12/8/millennial-interview-with-sanaya-set

I know I have said this before, but I truly do work with smart, talented and compassionate people.  When I found out that one of my co-workers, Tejal Angolkar was part of creating this with two other amazing women, my one and only thought was that I needed to write about their mission and get this out there so everyone can know about the Sanaya Set. For all the women who are brave enough to pursue their passions, I salute you!

My interview with Tarul, Sandy, and Tejal – Founders of the Sanaya Set

What is the Sanaya Set?
The Sanaya Set is a seasonal collection of lifestyle products that we have carefully curated, to enhance your beauty inside and out. Our set of products are carefully picked from women-owned businesses and fair-trade companies. Every item in our collection aligns with our principles.  Our goal for the Sanaya Set is to positively impact social justice while supporting women who are brave enough to pursue their passions. With every purchase you make, 10% of net proceeds will go to an organization that we highlight. Additionally, we highlight women who are making a difference in their communities through their commitment to social justice. For our recent collection, the Sanaya Set Winter 2018, 10% of our net proceeds will be going to Planned Parenthood.

What was the inspiration to create the Sanaya Set?
We came together with the realization that it is time to step up and do more for women. As first-generation South Asian women, our life experiences have shown us that feminism goes beyond gender. We believe in Intersectional Feminism, which is aimed at understanding overlapping identities and how these factors impact the way we experience oppression and discrimination. This includes race, class, ethnicity, religion, and sexual orientation. This is how the Sanaya Set was born- there is no time better than the present to use our voices. For ourselves, for our peers, and most importantly, for the girls of the future.

What is Social Justice x Self-Care?
Our mission is deeply rooted in being champions for social justice – racial equality, gender equality, equal access to healthcare, and economic justice are a few examples. We also believe that self-care is critical to maintaining the strength of this movement. This means being as kind to yourself as you are to others. Self-care to us means nourishing your mind, body, and soul, which is why we take a lot of care in curating items in the Sanaya Set.

How does the Sanaya Set Give Back?
The Sanaya Set gives back in multiple ways. In curating our products, we focus on predominate women-owned business, fair trade companies, and/or business that are committed to giving back. Additionally, each season, we choose a charitable organization that is aligned with our mission to highlight – 10% of our net proceeds from each set are donated to this organization. Our hope is that with each Sanaya Set, we can do the most good not just for the charities we support, but also for the women entrepreneurs who are brave enough to pursue their passions.

What is in the Sanaya Set Winter 2018?
Each of our boxes is made up of products from companies who are aligned with our mission. To provide an example, our Winter 2018 Set includes the book ‘We Should All Be Feminists’ by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie - a New York Times bestseller by an award-winning author.
“Adichie offers readers a unique definition of feminism for the twenty-first century, one rooted in inclusion and awareness. Drawing extensively on her own experiences and her deep understanding of the often masked realities of sexual politics, here is one remarkable author’s exploration of what it means to be a woman now—and an of-the-moment rallying cry for why we should all be feminists” - Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group. The other items in our Winter 2018 collection provide similar representation for all women. To read about the other products in our box, we invite you to visit sanayaset.com to learn more.

Speak up for our diversity. Speak up in the face of hate. Speak up for equality. Shout for inclusion and love. We care deeply about the civil rights of all people. We believe teaching and understanding intersectionality will create a better future for all. And this is how the Sanaya Set was born- there is no time better than the present to use our voices.
With the great passion for style and social justice, we are proud to bring you the Sanaya Set- to make you feel beautiful inside and out.

Thank you for your support!
Tarul, Sandy, & Tejal

To follow the Sanaya Set and these amazing women see below:

Follow Sanaya on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sanayaset/
Enjoy Sanaya Set blog: https://www.sanayaset.com/blog/
Sanaya Set Website:  https://www.sanayaset.com/

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Muddled Millennial Interview With: Cassandra Lam - https://www.muddledmillennial.com/home/2017/7/13/muddled-millennial-interview-with-cassandra-lam

I must say that I am very lucky to be working with the most amazing and talented people.  Having said that, this article is an interview with my co-worker Cassandra Lam, who is a Big Data consultant at Opera Solutions.  Her most recent venture is Akin, which she founded and launched on her birthday on June 7th, 2017.  Akin is a digital storytelling platform that encourages the practices of vulnerability, empathy, and introspection by sharing powerful anonymous short-form stories. Anyone can safely and securely submit a story of their own to contribute to the growing collection of stories. Akin’s mission is to create a more human narrative, which she defines as ultimately a more inclusive narrative that welcomes experiences shared by real people from around the world.

DD: What inspired you to come up with this idea?

CL: The idea came to me while solo traveling around Spain around September 2016. A friend I hadn't seen or spoken to since high school had relocated to Barcelona for grad school so we made plans to catch up at a local bar. From the moment, we sat down, we couldn't stop talking. Story after story poured out as we attempted to fill each other in on the important people, events, and experiences that defined the past 7 years of our lives. Some stories - moments of joy, pride, or excitement - were easy to tell. Others - our struggles, weaknesses, and conflicts - were harder to offer because they required vulnerability. But there we were, two people, separated by significant distance and time, shoving conventional small talk aside in favor of no bullshit/no filter conversation. As a result, we both left feeling seen, heard, and understood. That night, I felt my mind, heart, and soul buzzing the entire walk back to my hostel. “What a shame that I couldn’t cultivate this feeling of authentic connection in my daily life,” I thought. Or could I? Underneath the surface, I firmly believe that each and every human life is a beautifully complex compilation of struggles and successes, most of which never surfaces and remains unseen to the naked eye. We are so much more than we ever express outwardly. Yet most of what makes us who we are goes unnoticed. “How many stories go untold in a person's life? What happens when we empower people to exchange narratives and acknowledge each other’s reality? What’s the negative impact of not surfacing our stories or using our voices? Who would we treat differently if we could listen to their perspective?” I couldn’t answer any of these burning questions with any known technology or resource. So, I decided to build Akin.

DD: How did you come up with the name Akin?  I am curious to know if the name has personal meaning to you?

CL: When the idea first came to me, I was toying with a much more niche and specific type of community. At first, I conceived of a platform for women only, a safe space where women could share stories of harassment, assault, violence, sexism, and other horrific experiences. I’ve always felt very deeply about these issues as a woman, daughter, sister, and friend so raising awareness, educating the public through storytelling, and fighting against these injustices is always important to me. However, I disliked the idea of elevating certain voices while keeping others out. It really went against what I believe is important to solving world conflict which is deep, thought-provoking, and honest dialogue. A conversation whereby two parties can exchange ideas, debate reasonably, and walk away having learned something new is more special and powerful than we think. Through these types of exchanges, we put our snap judgments on pause to listen to another and potentially learn something that expands upon the way we view or approach the world. Often, we also find that once we start listening, we’re not all that different from one another. Slowing down to recognize the humanity in others often reveals to us that we are all akin. The name Akin hit me as I was brainstorming what I wanted this platform to make people feel. Kinship can be medicine for the soul and I firmly believed in the power of conversation to change us inside out. I know this is a lofty goal but I hope that by inspiring more conversations, we can collectively take small steps towards alleviating human suffering.

DD: How long did you work on this before you realized you had something great here?

CL: I’d say I spent about 3-4 months seriously thinking, ideating, and getting the courage to announce to myself that I was ready to create something for the world. Because the mission of Akin is also very in line with my own personal mission, it felt incredibly vulnerable to put the word out to my friends and family that I was trying to build something. But as the wheels started moving and I started to see scribbles on a notebook turn into connections, responses, a mock-up of the website, and collaborations with talented friends, I felt more alive than I have in a long time. I knew I was doing something important not just for me, but for all the potential people who stumble across the site one day. I’m driven by the fact that I’d consider the project successfully if only one person browsed the stories on the site and felt moved. Like I said before, I live my life trying to encourage powerful and difficult conversations. It might sound too micro to work for most, but systematic change can and has happened from the ground up. So why not here and now with our very own stories?

DD: Do you feel that people are more open and real when they are anonymous?

CL: Yes, I think people are 100% more open when they are anonymous. Whether or not they’re being real, exaggerating, or completely making something up because the Internet empowers people to sometimes do very funny things is hard for me to say. But based on the stories we’ve received so far, I believe the anonymity factor is at the very least free. I was very intentional with how the storytelling platform and story submission features were designed. In my experience, the good and bad thing about the Internet is how easy it is to engage with an audience. The Internet has given everyone a pulpit from which to lecture, harass, disseminate information, vocalize opinions, and influence other users with words. There are definitely times when these are viewed as benefits, but when it comes to sharing or collecting personal stories from people who might have felt marginalized, pushed out of the dominant narrative, or unsafe to speak up, it can be very harmful. Also, requiring anonymity removes the identity politics that can interfere with real listening to a particular perspective. Identity politics dominate most dynamics and interactions in our everyday life. Whether we are aware of it or not, how someone looks impacts how we perceive his or her actions and words in both subconscious and conscious ways. I’m trying to remove as much of that as possible so that all energies can be focused on what matters - human beings and the stories of their unique lives.

DD: How can someone submit their story, and what is the process?

CL: Since Akin went live in June, the website is the best place to browse the collection of stories and submit your own. There’s a big button along the top right side that you can click to submit a story!

About Cassandra
Cassandra is a Los Angeles native who moved to New York in 2015 to pursue lifelong dreams of living in the concrete jungle. Thankfully, she’s never looked back! For as long as she can remember, she has been fascinated by the power of human interaction, and it is this passion that drives her professional and personal goals. Cassandra graduated from UCLA with a B.A. in Political Science.  Currently, she works as a big data consultant for Opera Solutions. When she’s not focusing on empowering people to practice storytelling on Akin, she pursues her interests in education as a volunteer with iMentor NYC and Edbuild. Recently, she completed an education fellowship through Revive the Dream Institute, a nonprofit that develops emerging community leaders into education reform catalysts to improve the life prospects of millions of underserved American children. She was also a founding member of Escape the City NYC’s 2016 cohort. When she isn’t working or volunteering, you can find her practicing yoga around the city or taking over a dancefloor somewhere in Brooklyn.

Congratulations Cassandra, and thank you for letting me share your story.

Follow Cassandra on Instagram:   https://www.instagram.com/cassandthecity/
Enjoy her blog:   https://www.cassandralam.com/
Akin Website:  http://weareakin.co/stories/

We all have a story to share.  Some of the time we do not share because we do not want to be judged.  Having an anonymous platform where honest and real human dialogue can be unleashed is a rare gift. Now is your chance to be heard.  Write your untold story and share it on Akin. I promise you that these stories will touch you.  Go to the website below to be inspired or inspire someone to find
their freedom to be raw and real. http://weareakin.co/stories/

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Read my latest article at the Muddled Millennial - https://www.themuddledmillennial.com/single-post/2017/05/04/What-Does-Determination-Mean-To-You

What Does 'Determination' Mean To You?

May 4, 2017

The definition from Wikipedia:  Determination is a positive emotional feeling that involves persevering towards a difficult goal despite obstacles.  
Did you ever want something so bad that you were not going to give up until you got it? Everyone has a goal they want to achieve and determined to accomplish.  Some would have never reached their goal if they did not have determination.  Their drive, ambition, and motivation were key factors to make their goal a reality.
I am sure you have noticed that some people are more determined than others, and a lot of us need the motivation to get things going.  I know some strong-willed determined people that make things happen in their life.  They are determined to succeed and just won’t quit.  What I noticed about them is that they did not care what others thought, and they had the power and gained control over their own life.  
That right there is empowering. They realize that things do not happen overnight and they are patient.  They make lists and visualize their success, they think positive to eliminate any fear they might have.  Even if they run into obstacles, (and there is always something), they stay focused and keep with their goal until it is obtained.  They are disciplined and committed.  They set their goals and understand their abilities. They have a good support network. I have also seen these people keep tangible reminders such as pictures, etc., some even have inspirational and motivational sticky notes.  
We all need to find what works for you, and keep you on track.  I think it is also important to focus on yourself and not focus on others.  Be thankful for what you have and what you are doing.  The more you achieve, the more ambition and confidence you will have to go and achieve your next goal.  
For some inspiration, here are a few famous people I found that had some tough odds against them, but were determined to make it. 
Author, J.K. Rowling – before publishing the series of Harry Potter novels, she was broke, depressed, divorced and raising a child by herself.  She became one of the richest women in a span of five years.  
English Rock Band, The Beatles – When they first started out, a recording company told them they did not like their sound and that guitar music was on the way out. Well, the world did not agree.
Athlete, Michael Jordan – He was cut from his high school basketball team.  He has said that he has failed repeatedly, and that is why he succeeded.
There are a lot more people that have made it, and you never knew their struggle. Without their determination, they would never have become what the world has known them to be.
Remember my friends, you are more powerful than you know and can accomplish anything you want. Go out and kick some butt today, you got this!
Act as if it were impossible to fail.”  ― Dorothea Brande

Monday, April 24, 2017

Read my latest article - Things You Can't Go Without - www.themuddledmillennial.com

Things You Can't Go Without

April 24, 2017
There are plenty of things in life that we have that make our lives easier and more comfortable, and help you to enjoy your life better.  We have the bare necessities and we have the absolute necessities.  
If you had to pick a few, its not that easy, so lets break it down.  Here are some the obvious things you need to physically survive; you need air, food, shelter, water and sleep. For emotional survival, we need our loved ones; friends, family and of course, our pets. Depending on where we live, some people would consider this a luxury instead of a necessity; electricity, air conditioning and plumbing.  To buy things, you need money, and you would need a source of income that pays you so you can have the money to buy the stuff you need.  The majority of the people now cant live without their smartphones, iPads, TV, high-speed internet or Wi-Fi access.  We all have things that keep us sane and functioning.  We are all different and have different needs. 
Lets dig just a little deeper; what are the things you cant go without; can you name at least 3?  Whether it is a material item that is part of your daily routine that is basic and simple that helps you enjoy life, or something that helps you to survive that you consider major, what keeps You going and what are some things you cant go without?  

Besides the obvious things in my life, here are a few of things in my world that I cant go without.  
My Nephews/Godsons -
I could never imagine loving anything more. They always make me happy.  When they hug me, it feels like the warmth of the most comfortable blanket you have ever felt.  I feel pure love and happiness when I am with them.  They are the beat of my heart. 
- The sound of music always puts me in a great mood.  Music makes me happy.  It motivates me. Whether I am working out or getting ready in the morning for work when I hear some of my favorite songs it gets me moving. Everyone should have a soundtrack to their life.
Nothing is more nourishing for the soul than a good laugh.  When I am laughing, it is like instant sunshine. It is the cure for everything. A laugh a day will help keep the tears away.  I always say that any man that can make me laugh gets my heart.  I want to laugh until the day I die.
My Passport
If was I was not able to plan an escape to another city or country, I would never get a new perspective on life.  I am always amazed what the world has to offer and what you see when you travel.  I am planning my next escape.
Iced Coffee -
 Summer or Winter, I will always get an iced coffee. The minute it hits my lips, I can taste the delicious flavor. It goes from my mouth to my brain, and I get the jump-start I need to get my day going.
Whether it is a good glass of scotch, a cocktail or a cold beer, some of the time you just need to unwind and forget about your worries and enjoy.  Time with the people you can enjoy with is priceless.
Lets face it, ladies, we have all had late nights or on no sleep.  When you want your eyes to look refreshed a good concealer is a girls best friendenough said.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Things To Know Before You Go - Read My Latest

Things To Know Before You Go


You know what puts a big smile on my face…planning my next get away. From Cuba to Aruba, I am all for a little escape from life.  My mind, my heart and my soul all open when I travel.  It changes me for the better and makes me appreciate even more what I have and what I can do.Travel has been my best teacher.  I have been seeing some great pictures of destinations I have always wanted to go to on social media, and to be honest, that has been a big inspiration for me. Even if your next trip is not for a while, there is no time like the present to start planning.  Here are some things to know before you go.

Passport/Visa - If you are traveling overseas, check your passport to make sure it has not expired and is valid for at least six months of your travel dates.  If the expiration date is coming up, you will need to renew.  All depending on where you are traveling to, find out about any necessary visas.  If you are traveling soon and need to find out more, below are two websites I found on passports and visas.  

Research – Do some research on where you are going.  Here are a few quick checks.

Check the weather to know what to pack and wear.  Find out about the cuisine and restaurants that have good write-ups so you can plan some great dining experiences.  Read up on the culture to get a better understanding of where you will be, and learn more about where you are going.  Find out about the transportation situation because not every place you visit has Uber.  Whether you want to spend time on the beach or go skydiving, you can customize your itinerary and pick the places you want to explore and things that you want to do. 

Money/Credit Cards – Call your credit card company to let them know where you will be traveling to and the dates of your travel.  You want to enjoy and do not need any unnecessary delays with purchases you make while you are on vacation, or the headache of having your credit card declined.  All depending on your destination, if you need to exchange currency, you can exchange your money before you go so you have cash on hand until you exchange at your location.    It is also important to take enough cash with you.  

A copy of Travel Documents – You can keep a copy downloaded on your smartphone, but just in case technology fails at the location you are traveling to, I always have a copy of my travel documents along with a copy of my passport that I keep separate just in case.  You can also leave a copy with someone you know so they know your travel plans as well.

Ask for Recommendations – Ask around.  Ask your friends or their friends who like to travel if they have been to where you are planning your next trip.  Find out what they did and what they enjoyed the most.  Get a list of their recommendations on museums to restaurants they went to and places that they would recommend to see. 

Dream it, plan it! - Find that special someone or some travel buddies, make a budget and use your vacation time! If you are pressed for time or can’t decide on a destination, consult a professional who can work with you. They can advise you on travel insurance and other questions you might have, and you have a person to contact in case of any issues while on vacation, and can make it easy for you to help plan your amazing trip.  
Get out of your comfort zone, explore and be adventurous.  Plan your travel and then tell your story because I know it will be an amazing one!  Safe travels my friends.

“The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.” Saint Augustine